Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Comparison of Manifestos
Manifesto of any political party is regarded as a future road map and vision of the political organization to be fulfilled after rising to power. It has been a political culture in democratic world to set forth goals before elections and let people know that what party plans to do after coming into power. Manifesto plays an important role in making the mind of any voter along with too many other factors. Unfortunately in Pakistan only the educated class would consider the whole manifesto into their minds before casting their votes. The rural and uneducated masses rather prefer brotherhood, relationships and other tangible affiliations in terms of voting.   As elections have completed and new government is going to be formed, so it is worthwhile to look into the future plans of two major political parties of Pakistan- Tehrik-e-Insaf and PML-N.
Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf
Imran Khan while spelling out his manifesto, vowed to hold local bodies elections within three months for the devolution of power to grass root level. According to the targets set by PTI, loadshedding shall be ended within three years and tax targets shall be set and agriculture shall also be brought under tax network. Core national interests like territorial integrity, national cohesion, socio-economic development and resolution of Kasmir issue were also identified in the manifesto.
On foreign policy front the party shall emphasize the need for progressive engagement with India, constructive relationship based on mutual respect with US, further expanding strategic partnerships with China, positive engagement with Muslim world and greater role for the United Nations.
According to the manifesto the country is facing different types of terrorism including sub-nationalists, religious extremists of two types- sectarian and war of terror related militancy; mafia terrorism, particularly in Karachi where political parties with armed groups as well as land mafias have spread terror. These terrorists which have origins within Pakistan have external linkages as well. Terrorism shall be dealt with triangular formula of engagement, isolation and elimination.
Imran promised to extricate the country from the US-led war on terror, which the party believed was main cause of terrorism within the country.
PTI shall make defense policy multi-dimensional to deal with crisis situation and threats at multiple levels. Defense spending shall be discussed in parliament. Credibility of the strategic nuclear deterrence would be sustained.
The party shall declare five point emergencies that would cover the field of energy, anti-corruption mechanism, public spending, revenue collection and human development.

Pakistan Muslim League-N
PML-N has set forth ambitious targets to rectify the ailing economy of the country. Party shall raise the GDP growth from under two percent to six percent in the five years tenure. Investment-GDP shall be raised from the current twelve percent to twenty percent.
PML-N shall give high priority to higher investment in the energy sector, attaining foreign investment in agriculture and livestock sector, converting at least fifty percent of foreign remittance which stand at US$ 13 billion a year currently into foreign investment and large scale infrastructure. Untapped mineral resources shall be explored to make the country self sufficient in oil and gas. 
Growth of manufacturing Industry is very important for development. PML-N shall create jobs through developing this sector. Close industries will be revived. All exports will be tax free.
Other points include creation of jobs, housing for low income families, macroeconomic stability and tax reforms.
State owned enterprises like PIA, railways and WAPDA shall be revived into profit organizations.
Party shall ensure affordable energy and shall bridge the shortfall of electricity which is currently 6000 MW and shall ensure availability to the 40% population which does not have access to it. In terms of gas the situation is even worse where only fifth person has access to piped natural gas. Party shall ensure availability of gas on urgent basis through developing new gas fields and importing infrastructure.
Party shall also work in the following fields
·         Agriculture and food security
·         New framework for social change
·         Democratic governance
·         Science and technology
·         The employment challenge
·         Corruption and accountability
·         Militancy and terrorism
·         Speedy justice

It is hoped that the new day in the history of Pakistan is about to dawn. The conventional politics is taking its last breath and new era of progress and prosperity is about to start in a democratic culture. Today is a day of revival and renaissance, and all of us should put our hands together for  ”Naya Pakistan” (new Pakistan).

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